1999 - 2002, a provider of online meeting content and e-commerce solutions for the meetings industry. Founded by Kim Folsom.
In 1999 I was doing some freelance work as a Systems Integrator. Designing Non-Linear Editors and Video Encoding solutions.
SeminarSource became a customer and hired me to help run and design new hardware in the early days of streaming. Originally hired as the Post Production Supervisor and Webcast engineer. My originally responsibility was to take care of all of the post live event video. Editing and making look nice with some interactivity. Along with designing and running the field broadcast and video encoding solutions.
Soon after joining I was promoted to producer under our Executive Producer Scott Leslie. We edited and encoded 80 hours of footage weekly, plus live production editing, encoding and uplinking equaling a total production time of 160 hours weekly.
The Streaming Division Produced more content in number of hours from 1999-2002 than C-Span, and Discovery combined.
SeminarSource was partially owned and funded by Intervu who was acquired by Akamai. This giving SeminarSource a unique advantage over some of the competition. This allowed SeminarSource to do some of the largest events at the time.
The field team would use custom flypacks which were really a studio in a box. This rivaled a lot of the current Satellite trucks and mobile studios at the time. The same equipment was used for broadcast but was now being used for internet streaming. These solutions were capturing via SDI and then encoding to MP2 TS and to Real Media & Windows Media. All for distribution. The MP2 was then used for the Post event editing and interactivity before being reencoded to the final version for distribution.
The customers included ”American Bar Association l National Black MBA Association l American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine l Starwood Hotels l American Diabetes Association l The Discovery Channel International Association of Chiefs of Police l American Institute of Certified Public Accountants l Arthur Andersen LLP | Association of Bioscience Financial Officers l San Diego Internet Roundtable l Professional Convention Management Association l Meeting Professionals International l StreetLaw, Inc. | American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine l Arthroscopy Association of North America l American Association of Opthamology l American Association for the Study of Liver Disease l African American Women On Tour l American College of Surgeons l Credit Union Executives Society l Association of Reproductive Health Professionals l International Newspaper Financial Executives l Prudential Securities l Oracle Application User Group l Society of Gastroenterology Nurses & Associates | l Black Enterprise l American Counseling Association l GWSAE | and more.”

Prudential Securities

Vitreous Society

Society of Cardiocascular & Interventional Radiology

Professional Convention Management Association

American Association for the Study of Liver Disease

Institute of Food Technologists

Materials Research Society

Meeting Professionals International

Greater Washington Society of Association Executives

California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

American Industrial Hygiene Association

American Bar Association

American Diabetes Association

American Counseling Association

American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine

American Academy of Ophthalmology