By Scott Grizzle, M.A

One should never be afraid to use online video due to budget constraints or the unknown of streaming. The truth is that the internet is the greatest way to power the freedom of speech. There are all kinds of messages to get out there. Some popular, some not so popular, some professional and some artistic. Streaming is one if not the most powerful mediums for delivering a message on the internet.
Dont need to be a Millionaire
You don't have to assume you need a million dollars to start streaming. Truth be told there are a lot of free services out there. Some of the free delivery platforms are ad supported or very low cost for ad free. There are free encoders out there like Flash Media Live Encoder (FMLE) and (my own shameless plug) the Ustream Go-live which is a cloud based encoding option that will just use your webcam and computer mic. There are a lot of options out there like these. Now these aren't going to give you that Broadcast Television look or feel. But the quality can still be very high and is a great way to test the water without any huge expense.
Also the more you spend doesn't mean the better it will look. With better equipment it can help the overall but if you don't use it correctly then the quality won't be there. If you don't have bandwidth then you aren't going to have the gorgeous film quality look. But I’ve seen people do amazing thing with small budgets. A little creativity and ingenuity plus trial and error can go a long way too.
So the very next thing and probably the most important thing is what is your message? Using the term message loosely. But is it a talking head and a presentation? A new Feature Film? Sporting Event? Political Speech? Product Launch? It can literally be anything. It could be your Grandmother giving marital and cooking advice or it could be the CEO of a Fortune 500 company telling the world of this latest invention that is going to change the world and they are going to give it away for free. Personally doubt giving away for free but it could happen. They may not be the CEO much longer though.
But different types of content can be done in different types of ways and resources. For instance a Talking head with no movement needs less bandwidth than a sporting event. In theory a Talking head could also be done with a single camera while a fast action event or sporting event you would need multiple cameras. Truth is even with a talking head it's good to have a second camera or a way to switch to some graphic or presentation if possible. There is a phenomenon called Viewer fatigue. Viewer fatigue can happen on small event and on large events. A few years ago this happened on a major TV show and they had viewers dropped off like crazy.
So one key point is to build an emotional connection with your viewers. Video alone versus other delivery mediums allows your viewers to build this amazing emotional connection with you. Print and other mediums can build a connections just ask followers of great authors. Buts it's nothing like seeing and hearing the emotions and expressions of a presenter. How many times have you read an email the wrong way because the writers’ expressions or jokes didn't come across well? With video you can see and hear the expressions and emotions so this allows the viewers to have an emotional connection. This builds brand loyalty, employee engagement, and a mass following.
Really there is so much you can get from using video and the internet to get your message out. You should never be afraid of the cost. Like I mentioned there are free or low cost options to get started. As you get more comfortable or successful you can upgrade your equipment and spend more. Start with trial and error and having some fun. It’s a great way to get out your personal, professional or corporate message.